Wednesday, 29 October 2014


So Made London was a success I think! Just taking me a few days to get back to normal and realising that I no longer have to do everything at 100 miles an hour. I thought I would show some lovely swops I made at the end of the weekend. I was so excited to finally have a beautiful ring made by super cool lady Rachel Eardley ( a warbler for a wren I think was a fair swop. Also this AMAZING broach and tiny peg dolls by Rachel Larkins ( which I walked past all weekend but never imagined I would go home with. It made the train journey home ( standing all the way ) much more bearable knowing I had such precious things in my bag. 

Also I would like to thank my lovely show neighbours- Lisa ( Kirsty( and Sally ( For being inspirational ladies and for putting up with my terrible lateness. It was a little daunting being surrounded by such accomplished crafts people but I really had a great time and everyone was so friendly and supportive, I just wish that I had had more time to look around all the different stands.

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